Tenant Resources

We strive to maintain a productive working environment for everyone. The FAQ’s below can help answer some of the most common questions we get from tenants. If you need further assistance, please email us at concierge@700bryden.com

If there is any unusual behavior or anything preventing your safety and productivity, please alert the front desk or security.


  • The building is open to the public Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm. The doors will be unlocked during those hours and a receptionist present at the front desk.

    Tenants have 24/7 access with their key. However, doors are NEVER to be unlocked or propped open after business hours. All guests must be let in at the door by the tenant they are visiting. This ensures safety for all of us.

  • The password to all wifi networks is 700bryden

    The network accessible to you will show up on your device once you are within range. For example, if your office is located centrally on Floor 2, the wifi network you will access is 700-2FL-CENTRAL-2G

  • Trash and Recycling can be taken to the dumpster and bins, next to the white apartment building, on the East side of the back parking lot.

    Do not throw office trash bags into the cans at the back door. Do not empty into the bathroom trash cans or other indoor trash can.

    Please ensure no open food items or food trash is left in your office overnight. This will help to keep the building free of bugs and pests.

  • Our staff can help you access a cart or dolly. Please check with the front desk. If no one is available at the front desk, you can contact Ted in maintenance.

    All dollies and carts must be returned immediately after use.

  • Parking overnight or for an extended period of time is not permitted. You will be subject to towing at your own expense if we suspect otherwise.

    If you are actively working late in your studio, your car is fine as long as you are on-site.

  • A copy of both should be emailed to you at the start of your lease. You can always find a physical copy of the rules posted on the wall of each floor in the main hallways.

  • Yes, please make sure to include your SUITE/OFFICE number in the address. If you do not put a suite number, the mail cannot be delivered to you properly.

  • Painting your office/studio walls must be approved by Britt beforehand.

    Painting of ceilings, baseboards, doorknobs, outlets or carpets are never approved.

  • The only thing you can change are the wall colors if it has been approved by Britt/management.

    Destruction of ceilings, baseboards, doorknobs, outlets or carpets are never approved.

  • If during normal business hours, please see the receptionist who can let you into your studio if you have been locked out.

    If you need a new key made, it will be a replacement fee of $20 per key. Contact Britt or concierge@700bryden.com